Have you seen this? Have you heard about this?
http://www.thepeoplescube.com/ is a conservative parody site established in 2005 by a Former soviet propagandist named Oleg Atbashian, who long ago decided that the Democratic Party of the United States and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union were one and the same.
The site features dozens of agit-prop styled propaganda posters which would be used in a hypothetical communist America to push various public works programs and party standards of decency. Basically, the site is a Objectivist\Conservative version of somethingawful or worth1000.
Mr Atbashian is the sort of person that would suggest that just about everyone who reads this
blog should move to China or Cuba or North Korea. In turn, I ask "Why did you leave the Ukraine?". I would imagine that once communism fell, he would see the bright capitalist future and wish to stay in his homeland and rebuild it, lifting it up over its dreary collectivist past. In light of what has happened in this part of the world in the last 20 or so years, I'm sure that Oleg would be able to use his considerable talents to bring prosperity to himself, his family and his country now that those nasty zampolits are gone.
Or not.
In reality, if Oleg had stayed in the Ukraine, he would probably be just as dissilusioned with extreme capitalism as he seems to be with communi....er, moderate right statism.
At least after his family had been sold into prostitution and his fingers severed by the Russian Mafiya. Oleg knows this, and thus it is no suprise that he fled to the west as fast as his worthless soviet rubles would carry him, so that he might promote the very ideology that will bring just as much ruin to his country as marxism-leninism.
So esentially, Oleg is the mirror image of those he so derides on his website. The idealogue who isn't content with a hybrid system and seeks to bring it to ruin, and the Immigrant who can't let go of his past.
He is also the picture of the apparatchiks who made it big after the fall of Soviet Communism, using the experience provided to him by the totalitarian state he so willingly served to make big money. By making light of communist repression for profit, even if its the same communist repression that he once contributed to.
This is not to say that he doesn't have a point. Several of the images/multimedia presentations he has posted on the afforementioned site are spot on. But, if both parties engage in these practices (which they do), Olegs true goal is to profit. He is simutaneously an objectivist true believer and a hack.
This is not to say that he doesn't have a point. Several of the images/multimedia presentations he has posted on the afforementioned site are spot on. But, if both parties engage in these practices (which they do), Olegs true goal is to profit. He is simutaneously an objectivist true believer and a hack.
Please forgive this rant, I haven't had too much coffee yet, and am not in a very good mood.
Hope your mood gets better soon.