Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Modular 40K: Trotskin

Trotskin, Hero of da revulooshun (Or alternativley, Vile Runnin Squig fer da Orks and 'Umies, Enumy of da Ladz or Dat Sneaky Git wot blew up da mushroom patch)

Trotskin was one of the pivotal figures of the Gretchin revolution on Dreer, a small planet in the Charadon sector. Under his command, scores of counter-revolutionary Orks and their traitorous lackeys in the Tau empire and Human Imperium, fell under the might of the Gretchin Revolutionary Army.
Following the death of Lenny, Trotskin himself found himself in a power struggle with Koba, a minor figure in the revolutionary struggle. After being chased out of Committee Headquartas by a pack of Kobas prized face-eater squigs, Trotskin fled to one of Dreers moons, Ugrud, from where he plotted his eventual return to and Asdendance to power on Dreer.
After consolidating their victory against the weakened Counter-revolutionaries, The Gretchin Revolutionary Committee, under the leadership of Koba, ordered the invasion of Ugrud, with the aim of finding and eliminating Trotskin.
However, as the Grand Field Army crashed its transport ships into Ugrud, The reason that Trotskin had chosen this planet to hide on became painfully obvious, as thousands of dust caked necrontyr made their presence known. In the slaughter that ensues, it is claimed that Koba confronted Trotskin in one of the pyramids that dotted Ugruds landscape, from where he been advising the Necrons and slew him in single combat.
The truth however, is that Koba snuck up behind Trotskin, who had reestablished control over his former comrades and had them fighting the necrons to a standstill, and brained him with his signature weapon "Da pick". Almost instantly, the Gretchin battleline collapsed with even commissars fleeing, not in the wake of the necrons, but in that of Koba.
Koba escaped Ugud by the skin of his teeth, by using the bodies of the gretchin he had betrayed to fill the huge gaps in his landing craft, leaving the moons orbit just as a Gauss Pylon activated itself. Trotskin was fortunate enough to expire before the Necrons could get to him.
Any Rebel Grot army of 2000 pts or more may include Trotskin. If included, he takes the place of the armies Senior Officer.
Trotskin 120 4 5 3 3 3 3 2 9 5+

Wargear: Trotskin is armed with a plasma pistol and Power Weapon


Officer: As he stands in for the Armies normal officer, Trotskin maintains the obligation of command. he may use the orders Bring it down, First Rank fire, second rank fire and get back into it! and has a command radius of 12 inches

Kunnin Plans: Trotskin is to the Gretchin what Nazdreg is to the Orks. Any one unit in the
army may deploy using the deep strike or infiltrate special rules if allowed by the mission type.
In addition, The GRC player recieves +1 to his initiative roll at the start of the battle in which the GRC player has deployed second.

Inspiring: Trotskin is a hero of the Revulooshun and inspires grots to acts of relative bravery.
Any units within 12 inches of Trotskin including his own, benefit from the "Furious Charge"
special rule

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