Thursday, September 17, 2009

Modular 40K: Koba da Backstabba

Now that I've lulled you all into a false sense of security, Its time for me to unveil the first of several unique special characters avalible to the GRC.

Koba da backstabba was the genrul sekratari of Charadons Gretchin Revolutionary Committee, during the 39th millenium having
risen to this position after asking Trotskin
if he could "pick 'iz brain".
His rule, as I'm sure you can guess, was characterized by a level of terror and repression that made the Committees previous position look humane and pragmatic.
Koba may be taken in games of 1500 pts or more.
If Koba is taken, he and his retinue of 4 Chekitz replace the armies normal command HQ.
Koba 140 4 4 3 3 2 3 3 8 5+
Chekitz - 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+
Wargear: Koba is armed with an autopistol and "da pick"(detailed below), 2 of the Chekitz are armed with flamers, One with a heavy flamer. The last remaining Chekit has a laspistol, close combat weapon and regimental standard
Special Rules:
Backstabba: Koba displays great proficiency at striking his enemies(and friends) when they're not looking. The first round of any combat that Koba is involved in, he may not be targeted, irregardless of whether or not he's in base to base contact. If he is, then he may attack as normal. In addition, Kobas close combat attacks benefit from the rending special rule, to represent Koba managing to strike the back of his opponents skull.
Get inta it, ya tradariz gits!: Koba demands sacrifice, and will pay any price in Grotpower to ensure that victory is realized. All conscript squads in the same army benefit from the "Without number" special rule


  1. Maybe Koba should be in my animation with the pathfinder...

  2. DUDE, you HAVE to hear this. You know how whenever you post a comment how you have to type a silly word in to verify it? When I posting about Koba, it made me type GOULAG!
