Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Racial Class: Brownie Warrior

Certainly a class you'll want to play!

In Brownie communes, their are always those that, for some reason or another, seek glory beyond the small world of the Brownie community, a world outside filled with excitement, danger, and riches beyond their wildest fantasy. However, it is a world of death and cut-throat competition, where only the strongest and smartest live to reap the benefits. As expected, most Brownie adventurers don't make it far before death; carnivorous giant rats, terrible ogres (halflings), and the occasional cockroach mean that those who do decide to leave probably won't make it back home alive for rice and stwinger dinner. Amongst these soon-to-be-dead individuals, there are the champions, the wild cards, the ones who survive and go on, to bask in the fortunes that crawling through labyrinths in the dark provide.

Prime Attribute: Dexterity 13+ (5% experience)
Hit Dice: 1d6-2 hit point/level (minimum 1 per level)
Weapons/Armor/Shields Permitted: see below

Brownies have darkvision up to 60 feet. Also, due to their tiny size, brownies are unable to wield larger weapons, such two-handed swords and battleaxes. brownies can only wield daggers and clubs, and must do so two-handed. They can also use sharpened shivs (1d3), sharp sticks (1d2), and rocks (1d1), which can be easily made and are free.

Armor and shields meant for humans, elves, and dwarves are simply to large and bulky for a brownie to wear.

At 10th level, a brownie warrior can establish a commune, with like-minded brownies joining in. eventually, he may even become king of the brownies!

Brownie warriors have thac0 and saving throws per level as fighting-men.
Lvl Experience Hit die
1 0 1
2 1000 2
3 2000 3
4 4000 4
5 8000 5
6 16,000 6
7 32,000 7
8 64,000 8
9 128,000 9
10 256,000 10

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