Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Modular 40K: Trotskin

Trotskin, Hero of da revulooshun (Or alternativley, Vile Runnin Squig fer da Orks and 'Umies, Enumy of da Ladz or Dat Sneaky Git wot blew up da mushroom patch)

Trotskin was one of the pivotal figures of the Gretchin revolution on Dreer, a small planet in the Charadon sector. Under his command, scores of counter-revolutionary Orks and their traitorous lackeys in the Tau empire and Human Imperium, fell under the might of the Gretchin Revolutionary Army.
Following the death of Lenny, Trotskin himself found himself in a power struggle with Koba, a minor figure in the revolutionary struggle. After being chased out of Committee Headquartas by a pack of Kobas prized face-eater squigs, Trotskin fled to one of Dreers moons, Ugrud, from where he plotted his eventual return to and Asdendance to power on Dreer.
After consolidating their victory against the weakened Counter-revolutionaries, The Gretchin Revolutionary Committee, under the leadership of Koba, ordered the invasion of Ugrud, with the aim of finding and eliminating Trotskin.
However, as the Grand Field Army crashed its transport ships into Ugrud, The reason that Trotskin had chosen this planet to hide on became painfully obvious, as thousands of dust caked necrontyr made their presence known. In the slaughter that ensues, it is claimed that Koba confronted Trotskin in one of the pyramids that dotted Ugruds landscape, from where he been advising the Necrons and slew him in single combat.
The truth however, is that Koba snuck up behind Trotskin, who had reestablished control over his former comrades and had them fighting the necrons to a standstill, and brained him with his signature weapon "Da pick". Almost instantly, the Gretchin battleline collapsed with even commissars fleeing, not in the wake of the necrons, but in that of Koba.
Koba escaped Ugud by the skin of his teeth, by using the bodies of the gretchin he had betrayed to fill the huge gaps in his landing craft, leaving the moons orbit just as a Gauss Pylon activated itself. Trotskin was fortunate enough to expire before the Necrons could get to him.
Any Rebel Grot army of 2000 pts or more may include Trotskin. If included, he takes the place of the armies Senior Officer.
Trotskin 120 4 5 3 3 3 3 2 9 5+

Wargear: Trotskin is armed with a plasma pistol and Power Weapon


Officer: As he stands in for the Armies normal officer, Trotskin maintains the obligation of command. he may use the orders Bring it down, First Rank fire, second rank fire and get back into it! and has a command radius of 12 inches

Kunnin Plans: Trotskin is to the Gretchin what Nazdreg is to the Orks. Any one unit in the
army may deploy using the deep strike or infiltrate special rules if allowed by the mission type.
In addition, The GRC player recieves +1 to his initiative roll at the start of the battle in which the GRC player has deployed second.

Inspiring: Trotskin is a hero of the Revulooshun and inspires grots to acts of relative bravery.
Any units within 12 inches of Trotskin including his own, benefit from the "Furious Charge"
special rule

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Modular 40K: Codex Ork Revisions and Amendeum

HQ Revisions:

The Army Commander(Warboss or Big Mek) may take any of the following clan affiliations and the benefits conferred therby

Goff 10 pts- Any ork boyz mob armed with sluggas and choppas may be upgraded to Skarboyz at 2 pts per model. Skarboyz benefit from +1 to their Strength characteristic
Bad Moon 15 pts-Up to 2 squads of flash gits may be taken as troops or elites choices
In addition, the Leaders shoota may be upgraded to a Kustom Mega Blasta for 10 pts, even if wearing mega armour
Evil Sun 15 pts- Bikers and Warbuggy\Wartrak squads may be taken as troops choices. The leader must however be mounted on a bike or take a trukk or looted/battlewagon as a dedicated
Blood Axe 10 pts-Any ork boyz mob armed with shootas may be upgraded to Huntas at no cost.
Huntas gain +1 to their ballistic skill but subtract one from their weapon skill. In addition, any infantry unit numbering 12 or less may take a shellback as a dedicated transport

3 12 10 10
The Shellback is armed with a turret mounted big shoota and a coaxial skorcha. The big shoota may be upgraded to a kannon at 10 pts or a zzap gun at 15 pts. It is considered to have a transport capacity of 12 (Ogryn Mercenaries and Mega Armoured orks count as two models)

Snakebite 10 pts- Any ork boyz mob armed with sluggas and choppas may replace their slugga with a second choppa, reducing the cost of the model by 1 point. In addition, Gretchin Mobz do not take up slots on the force organization chart.
Deffskull 15 pts- Up to 2 squads of lootas may be taken as troops or heavy support choices. In addition, any squad with the option of taking a wartrukk as a dedicated transport may instead take a looted wagon at the points cost listed in the main army list.



30 5 2 5 5 2 3 3 - 4+ Inv

Wargear: Choppa, Urty Slugga, Doks tools
Urty Slugga
S - AP 6 poison

replace choppa with any of the following
Big Choppa 5 pts
Power Klaw 25 pts
Urty Syringe- Free

Replace Urty slugga with any one of the following
Twin Linked Shoota 5 pts
Kombi-Shoota 5 pts

The Painboss may be accompanied by a body guard of 5 to 10 cyborks at 10 pts per model


4 1 4 5 2 1 2 - 5+ Inv

Wargear- Twin Linked Slugga and a Drill/Hydraulic Choppa/Caged Squig Etc. (Counts as a rending Close Combat weapon)

Note that the Painboss and his retinue are immune to all leadership based tests and weapons such as neural shredders, force weapons, Slaneeshi daemon weapons and the like.


Ogryn Mercenaries- See entry in Codex-Imperial Guard. Note that Mercenary Ogryns are armed with Shootas rather than ripper guns, Cannot be led by a bone 'ead and may not be mounted in a chimera or a wartrukk (The vehicles suspension would collapse under the weight of the Ogryns)

Grindas- See LPGS Main blog


9 4 2 4 4 1 3 2 6 6+

Wargear: Slugga, Choppa

Special Rules:
Mad- Madboyz are immune to all conventional psychology. However they must make madness tests. At the start of every turn they must make a leadership test, rolling 2d6 on the madness chart if they fail, to determine the prevailing prognosis

2- "Ruzgob spat on my boots, He needs a right good bashing" Resolve a round of close combat against the Madboyz mob.
3- "Aarrgh, Keep dem Whirrin Teknikal Bitz away from me!" If there is a vehicle (Friend or foe) within 12 inches of the madboyz, they fall back 2d6 immediatley, regrouping automatically at the start of the next turn if they remain on the field.
4-"Gork iz speakin ta me again!" Visions of the greenskin god of Cunning brutality inspire the Madboyz to redouble their efforts to get to grips with the enemy. The Madboyz are considered to have the "Fleet" special rule for the duration of that turn.
5-"2 teef plus 2 teef iz 4 teef, 4 teef plus 8 teef is 12 teef, 12 teef plus...." A savant has goaded the suggestible madboyz to assist him in determining some advance orky mathematical equashun. The boyz may not move, shoot or iniate assault this turn but any mek within 12 inches gains +1 to his fixit result this turn
6- "Oy, Stop it, Eliaz!" If there is another ork unit within 12 inches of the mad boy squad, they must move directly towards the units and assault it if able. The Combat will end at the beginning of the ork players next turn.
7- "I shuldnt ave eaten da brown mushroom" The Madboyz fall under the spell of an especially potent strain of fungi. They must move and run in a direction randomly determined by the scatter die. They benefit from fleet for the rest of the turn but must immedietly charge any unit within range at the end of the shooting phase.
8- " Everytings burnin again!" The Madboyz fall into a deep existencial despair, unable to stare the harsh, uncaring universe in the face. The unit is immedietly pinned but recovers automatically at the start of the next player turn.
9- "Ork Powa! Get dem Pinkskins/Twinkies/Spiky Gitz/Runtz/Etc" The Madboyz are considered to have the preferred enemy special rule against the opposing player for the duration of (you guessed it) this turn.
10- " AAGHH! Dem Pinkskins/Twinkies/Spiky Gitz/Runtz/Etc is Skary!" Roll another leadership test for the squad. If the test is failed, the unit scatters and is considered destroyed
11- "Lez geddum ladz!" The Unit gains +1 to their Weapon Skill, Strength, Toughness and Initiative.
12 "Stop skrewin around ya gitz" as above, but the unit must move towards and assault any ork unit within 12 inches as per "Stop it Eliaz".



12 4 2 3 4 1 3 2 7 6+
Boarboy Nob
+8 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+
The unit consists of 5 to 15 Boarboyz
Wargear: Slugga, Choppa, Warboar. The nob may be given any equipment available to Slugga Boy nobz.

Special Rules

Cavalry: See rules in Warhammer 40K core rulebook

Gun trukks are bought and organized 1-3 to a unit, the same as warbuggies

Pts BS F S R
40 2 11 10 10

The Gun trukks must be equipped with one of the following (You may have a mixture of weapons within a unit)
Lobba 5pts
Kannon 5 pts
Zzap gun 10 pts
The Gun trukk may take any vehicle upgrades avalible to the Warbuggy excepting the Wartrakk upgrade. Also note that guntrukks are not open topped.


Big Gunz Upgrades
Weapons in a big gunz battery may be upgraded as follows
Lobba to Squig Chukka at 10 pts
Kannon to Hop-Splat gun at 20 pts
Zzap gun to Shokk attack gun at 25 pts

Squig Chukka
G48 SD6 AP- Heavy 1 blast rending

A battery with Shokk attack guns must take 1 Mek for every gun. These follow the standard rules for shokk attack gun as detailed in the big mek entry in codex:orks

Hop Splat Gun
Range 72 S 7 AP 4 Heavy 1 Ordinance, template special

Special Rules: The hop splat gun consists of a ball and chain attached to the back of a high powered rocket that will continue to wreak havoc until it runs out of fuel. A primary target
is determined as normal for ordinance weapons. The flamer template rather than the ordinance template is used to determine how many models are hit. After casualties are resolved, roll scatter again. For subsequent scatters the distance rolled on 2d6 is doubled and the weapon will always scatter. If a direct hit is rolled, the shot scatters in the direction indicated by the arrow on the direct hit facing. The weapon will continue to scatter until it runs out of fuel (I.E rolls double ones for the scatter distance. )

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Modular 40K: Koba da Backstabba

Now that I've lulled you all into a false sense of security, Its time for me to unveil the first of several unique special characters avalible to the GRC.

Koba da backstabba was the genrul sekratari of Charadons Gretchin Revolutionary Committee, during the 39th millenium having
risen to this position after asking Trotskin
if he could "pick 'iz brain".
His rule, as I'm sure you can guess, was characterized by a level of terror and repression that made the Committees previous position look humane and pragmatic.
Koba may be taken in games of 1500 pts or more.
If Koba is taken, he and his retinue of 4 Chekitz replace the armies normal command HQ.
Koba 140 4 4 3 3 2 3 3 8 5+
Chekitz - 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+
Wargear: Koba is armed with an autopistol and "da pick"(detailed below), 2 of the Chekitz are armed with flamers, One with a heavy flamer. The last remaining Chekit has a laspistol, close combat weapon and regimental standard
Special Rules:
Backstabba: Koba displays great proficiency at striking his enemies(and friends) when they're not looking. The first round of any combat that Koba is involved in, he may not be targeted, irregardless of whether or not he's in base to base contact. If he is, then he may attack as normal. In addition, Kobas close combat attacks benefit from the rending special rule, to represent Koba managing to strike the back of his opponents skull.
Get inta it, ya tradariz gits!: Koba demands sacrifice, and will pay any price in Grotpower to ensure that victory is realized. All conscript squads in the same army benefit from the "Without number" special rule

Modular 40K: Stumper Muckstart, Ratling Sharpshooter

New life for a 2nd edition Imperial Guard special character
Stumper Muckstart
Any imperial guard army may include stumper muckstart for 35 pts. If taken he fills an elites choice on the force organization chart
Stumper 35 2 4 2 2 1 3 7 5+
Wargear: Sniper rifle
Special Rules
Sharpshooter: Any casualties taken inflicted on a unit by Stumper are chosen by the imperial guard player, in the same way as those inflicted by a vindicare assassin.
Decoy: Once per game, during the enemies shooting phase, Stumper may elect to replace himself with a decoy, I.E a helmet on a stick. This is declared after Stumper is designated as the target of a ranged attack. This attack is wasted and no other enemy unit may target stumper that turn (Though they may still assault him), however, Stumper may not fire the following turn.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Warhammer 40,000 as a modular game

Recently, our group has been home to a veritable onslaught of very bitter anti-Games Workshop sentiment. I am not condemning this, nor would I under any circumstances. However, while we have implemented a de-facto freeze on GW Models purchases, we continue to play the game according to the GW principle: That 40K should only be played according to their rules, and with their models. I am impressed to see that many of us are electing to finish our respective armies with models and bitz provided by Microart Studios, Pig Iron Miniatures, and the like.

Now, I feel it is time that we begin taking such liberties with the rules. I realize that this process will take time, and that some people may have reservations about the effect this may have on our standards of fairness. To this end, I propose that house rules only be used when the players involved in the battle in question reach a concensus on them.

To get the ball rolling, I will be posting homebrew rules for defunct special characters every few days. Use them well.

Zodgrod Wortsnagga, Runt-master

Zodrog may be taken in place of a normal slaver in a Gretchin Mob.

Points WS BS S T W I LD SV+

Zodgrog 40 4 2 4 4 1 2 8 4+
Wargear: Slugga, Grabba stikk

Master Runtherder: Any gretchin in Zodrods Mob may have their strength and toughness
upgraded by 1 each at +2 points a model. If this upgraded is taken, the gretchin are considered to be carrying a close combat weapon in additon to their grot blastas.

Boss of the Grots: Zodgrod will not allow any other slavers to even speak to his prized runts, let alone lead them in battle! To this end, Zodgrod is always the only slaver in his mob. Note that the normal restriction of 10 grots to a slaver does not apply to Zodgrods Mob.

Overprotective: Unlike most runtherderz, Zodgrod shows a great deal of affection towards his charges. This has led the other Orks in his warband to consider him quite odd indeed. Whenever Zodgrods Mob is targeted by a shooting attack, It must make a leadership test using Zodgrods Leadership value. If the test is passed, the attack proceeds as normal. Otherwise, on Zodgrods command, the grots fall flat on their stomachs, and are no longer a viable target. Conversely, any ork unit being shot through them recieves no cover save. The grots regroup automatically on the ork players next turn, but may not move or assault.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Neo Anti-Marxist Disestablishmentarianism to the souls rescue once again!

Have you seen this? Have you heard about this?
http://www.thepeoplescube.com/ is a conservative parody site established in 2005 by a Former soviet propagandist named Oleg Atbashian, who long ago decided that the Democratic Party of the United States and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union were one and the same.
The site features dozens of agit-prop styled propaganda posters which would be used in a hypothetical communist America to push various public works programs and party standards of decency. Basically, the site is a Objectivist\Conservative version of somethingawful or worth1000.
Mr Atbashian is the sort of person that would suggest that just about everyone who reads this
blog should move to China or Cuba or North Korea. In turn, I ask "Why did you leave the Ukraine?". I would imagine that once communism fell, he would see the bright capitalist future and wish to stay in his homeland and rebuild it, lifting it up over its dreary collectivist past. In light of what has happened in this part of the world in the last 20 or so years, I'm sure that Oleg would be able to use his considerable talents to bring prosperity to himself, his family and his country now that those nasty zampolits are gone.
Or not.
In reality, if Oleg had stayed in the Ukraine, he would probably be just as dissilusioned with extreme capitalism as he seems to be with communi....er, moderate right statism.
At least after his family had been sold into prostitution and his fingers severed by the Russian Mafiya. Oleg knows this, and thus it is no suprise that he fled to the west as fast as his worthless soviet rubles would carry him, so that he might promote the very ideology that will bring just as much ruin to his country as marxism-leninism.
So esentially, Oleg is the mirror image of those he so derides on his website. The idealogue who isn't content with a hybrid system and seeks to bring it to ruin, and the Immigrant who can't let go of his past.
He is also the picture of the apparatchiks who made it big after the fall of Soviet Communism, using the experience provided to him by the totalitarian state he so willingly served to make big money. By making light of communist repression for profit, even if its the same communist repression that he once contributed to.

This is not to say that he doesn't have a point. Several of the images/multimedia presentations he has posted on the afforementioned site are spot on. But, if both parties engage in these practices (which they do), Olegs true goal is to profit. He is simutaneously an objectivist true believer and a hack.
Please forgive this rant, I haven't had too much coffee yet, and am not in a very good mood.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, etc etc"


Sure, it might be irrelevant but better late than never.....