Recently, the hip-hop culture has taken the LPGS by storm, with SAFG at its vanguard. However, this process is slow, and so (for the most part) the level of subcultural development therin is comprable to the sort of imported rap syntax and style found in Albania or Prabang, Laos.
I.E, our favored MC's consist of Criss Cross, Flavour Flav, and Marky Mark(?). The Insane Clown Posse occasionally comes up in conversation, but cannot hope to make any genuine cultural influence in our group, because nobody is willing to mimick the behaviour of their fan base. To do so, even for the Lulz, is far too painful to maintain for an extended period of time.
It is far too soon to try and identify the consequences of allowing rap music a home in the LPGS, so the following prospective group activities and cultural amendments are merely speculative.
-Shootin B-Ball behind the school
-Yelling at Dirty Skeptic for forgetting to bring his "Public Enemy" tapes
-Endless debates over the respective skillz of Chuck D and Marky Mark
-Communizzle OR "Fear of a black planet is a political manifesto, BOYEE!"
-Burning down Tommy the Clowns house
-Rap feuds in which the two participants merely call each other "faggot" back and forth.
- Kit's family hoarding 2 liter bottles of Faygo in the fruit room
-Shock Master becoming even more white by comparison
- The Chairman denouncing Wu-Tang clan for counter-revolutionary activity
- SAFG will have an even easier time getting away with using the word "Nigger"
-Suprisingly, the level of repressed homosexuality will remain about the same for all members of the group
"Niggerdy Niggers and the quest for the magic Niggermelon"
ReplyDeleteSorry about forgetting the Public Enemy tapes.
Great, now Louis Farrakhan is going to show up at a group meeting and kill us all. Thanks a lot!