--------------------------GRATUITOUSLY UNNECESSARY PLUG----------------------
Schwarzenudel 3D, the first encounter is 2 weeks (or months) away from completion, with only the text files, sound effects and a few levels (which I will half-ass to the best of my ability) to complete. Not only that, order now, and we'll send you the Schwarzenudel\Wrath of Shangri-La double pack at no extra charge! Wow!
----------------------------END SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION----------------------
First, let me state that I consider my time with all of you to have been a privilege and that I hope it will continue well into the future. However, as of late, I have finally accepted the fact that any and all notions of formality or centeralized authority with regard to the LPGS are no longer relevant (that is, if they even existed in the first place). In accuality, the LPGS came into existance and continues to be built around the interpersonal relations of those classified as members, that is to say, the LPGS exists at different place at different times with different people, that it is in fact the much scorned "massive inter-friend party" we have all been critical of since its first mention in the original LPGS blog about 2 years ago. The trick is in scheduling carefully as to avoid interpersonal conflict. We are united by common interest, not common action and its time we treated our interactions accordingly. Simply put, I think we have all come to the realization that we cannot achieve this level of cohesiveness
However, with this in mind, it shouldn't be too much trouble to ensure that we don't end up like this.
So, with that out of the way, let us proceed to something a bit more relevent to our interests, rather than our actions.
With Games Workshop a distant memory and video game fatigue setting in, perhaps it is time to return to a simpler time, a time of great and powerful heroes, and sinister villians, of exotic creatures, where glory and honour dwarf in value even the most precious of treasures....
Oh......Wait. No.
Well, in any case, I propose a return to one of our most long-standing and universally favoured standbys, the tabletop RPG. As of this time, we have no less than FOUR active campaigns, with more being concieved of all the time. A return to
these realms, chivilrous or otherwise, should prevent further activities based drama, with the fringe benefit of being so universally accepted by just about everyone in our circle, likely offering the most enjoyment of any of our regular activities.
Closing fun fact
Weww Hewwo Evwybody!
Pwesent gwoup Brownie Mortawity wate (estimate): 263 and awways cwimbing....
no comments, so unloved
ReplyDeletesome lack the internets out here in the boonies
ReplyDeleteThere there Dougie, perhaps this is the first sign of a brighter tommorrow. Welcome back to posting. I need to get cracking on the Brownie warrior class (Because we could).