It seems as though my dastardly plan has come to pass at last. The forum for group activity has reached a state of necrotic deterioration that the very stench of its decay makes me twiddle my fingers in a laughably villainous manner. True, nobody will read this, but it will still be mine and that is all that really counts.
I am going to take this opportunity to write the Activity Wish-List for the foreseeable future, share a Brownie folk tale (this seems a decent medium for the recording of them, as well as writings on brownies in general), air my dirty laundry and sing the praises of our gwowious weader, Wegginian.
It seems that our first and foremost goal is the completion of the second part of Groucho's ongoing campaign. Following that, we have several options, the most outstanding of which being Kit's eerily chibi (yes that what It makes me think of) epic fantasy quest. Other projects in motion are:
- Villains & Vigilantes or Mutants & Masterminds, Featuring Mannabis, Professor Marxist, The Blue Parrot and The Gay Avenger in their quest to defeat evil and and move into a new lair outside of basement at The Blue Parrot's parents'.
- CommissarCrunch's new spin on Gamma World, assuming he can ever let go of Robert Plant.
- Deadlands has been requested, though I'm happy keeping that in the wings.
- MvC3 comes out in mere days at this point, and Im sure that a decent portion of the group would wish to play the living S*** out of that when the occasion presents itself.
- 40K. Yes, its a sore subject, but its still the 800 lb neg-I mean Gorrilla in the room.
- Arabian Nights (I'm not going to push this too hard)
- Space Hulk! the TCG! (not gonna speak for Jake though)
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