Thursday, May 20, 2010

Gaming at Conduit 2010

Well, the yearly convention again returns, with a bevy of exciting one-shots. For convenience, I've listed all the non-fantasy, non-D&D games.

FRIDAY 7:00-11:00 PM

Shadow over Obama (Call of Cthulhu)
By Ken Kersey. Some say the stars are nearly right for a change. The date the Mayans predicted for the end of the world is just days away (December 21, 2012) and the planet is in the grip of a crawling chaos - economic collapse, global pandemics, disasters, supernatural events, dogs & cats living together, mass hysteria!! Find out what happens when you mix ancient prophesies, political puppets serving a cosmic evil (possibly cyclopean or even squamous), and a discovered birth certificate. Can you and your fellow Investigators stop the "Change" or will the Earth succumb to an unspeakable apocalypse. A sanity blasting adventure designed for 5 to 10 players (experience much preferred but not required), pre-generated characters will be provided. NO PREREGISTRATION!

If this is being done by the same guy that did the mystery about Al Gore a few years back, then I'll want to check this out, if only to see what kind of actual madness may exist amongst the people who want to play this scenario for all the wrong reasons.

SATURDAY 2:00-6:00 PM

Savage Worlds: The REALLY Bad Day (RPG)
It was just another boring day at the office, made even more trite by another boring office party. Then something went very, VERY wrong, and whatever else this day may become, it certainly isn't boring.

We're all pretty cool with Savage Worlds. Defenitely Something to look into, since I'm getting a "Full Life Consequences" vibe.

7:00-11:00 PM

Call of Cthulhu Newbie Session (Call of Cthulhu)
Come learn to play the classic horror roleplaying game, Call of Cthulhu! Your friendly Keepers will walk you through creating a character, then you'll have the chance to play a short scenario. Register at the con.

Neat, we could actually play a fun horror game of CoC without dealing with people who think Obama's the Anti-Chr- I mean, strong political opinions.

Paranoia (RPG)
Ever play an RPG and said man I wish I could just kill the PC next to me? Well here is your chance come join the fear called paranoia XP. You are a clone a world of color and the Computer is your friend. DO what it tells you and you will live unless it wants you dead. Paranoia is a six die game where you play a clone in the future. You live and breath for the Computer who is well Insane.

I'll say it: I have never had as much fun with any RPG as I had playing a convention game of Paranoia. We'll play this, whether anyone likes it or not.

Vampire the Requiem LARP (LARP)
All across Utah, the call has gone out from a vampire in Park City--the call is for peace. All across the state, violence against mortal and vampire alike has been on the rise, and the source of this violence appears to have been perpetrated the vampire court of Salt Lake City, Utah. Thus the court of Salt Lake City as well as all Utahn vampires have been invited to a summit to discuss the possibility of peace between vampires (if such a thing can exist) as well as to set misunderstandings straight. Will this event bring peace to the Valley and the neighboring cities or will it only promote hostilities? From whom did this call originate and is his or her intentions honorable? And what is the cause of all the recent violence all across the state? These questions may be answered by attendance but chances are they will actually become far more complicated.

It's always fun to watch goths method act from the sideline. In another thought, wouldn't Utah kinda be the best place to hide if you're undead?


  1. I'm game for pretty much anything...except maybe the vampire thing. Call of Cthulu always sounded kind of fun and I'd enjoy the newbie session. Although the Obama thing would give our group a lot to talk about(hee hee hee)!

  2. I meant watching with great amusement from the sidelines concerning the Vampire thing (I guess the Camarilla sparkles in Utah).

  3. Stephanie Meyer is Mormon, its in our state's blood. (Bad pun?)

    I'd love to do Paranoia, but Cthulhu is calling my name. Are they at the same time?

    I am sooo stoked for this year.

  4. Wait, do you mean Monday for Call of Obama, or Sunday?

    Verification Word- Dercula
    A particularly spergy larper whom we will meet this year.

  5. Call of Obama is on Friday. My mistake.

  6. Also tempted by The Game of Hats...

    Verification word - Dennis

    this needs no explanation here.
